2 replies on “Plant squash and zucchini starts in the garden this week.”

  1. Inyang says:

    Thanks! If you’re too late, then what I’m doing today will be in vain. I have some collards that are ready to be revomed (you can see them in the background in the second photo), and will be replacing them with some pole beans. I have been working on different ideas for supporting plants, and I’ll be testing out one idea with them. I have a 16 cattle panel that I have formed into something that will (hopefully) be structurally sound and work to support the beans. I was originally looking for a way to support tomatoes, but I’m not sure if this design will help there. I’ll do a post on this idea later on after I get it set up.On the other hand One thing that I’ve learned is that the earlier you can get things started, the better. In the North, they need to get an early start due to a short growing season. Down here in The South, we need to get the gardening done before the really hot weather comes and the bug population reaches its peak. I’ll do a post later in the summer on really hot weather crops there are only a few plants that can successfully be grown through the summer in The South. Okra and New Zealand Spinach are two that come to mind.

  2. Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.

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