Compost Bin

Since compost is such a valuable resource when gardening, I decided to construct a compost bin and create my own with my yard clippings and food scraps. I found a plan on the Lowe’s website made out of cedar. I think the plastic types on stands aren’t very attractive, and I built this one from untreated wood so it should leach anything into the finished product. If you decide to build this as well, there are a few discrepancies in the plan, most of which can be found by comparing the dimensions in the text to those in the pictures. If you want to know, add a comment and I will respond with what I remember. 

Compost Bin Complete

The completed compost bin

Compost Bin Screen Added

The compost bin with the screen added.

Compost Bin Day 2

The compost bin at the end of the second day.

Compost Bin Back Added

The compost bin with the completed floor and back.

Compost Bin Day 1

The project at the end of the first day.

Compost Bin Adding Floor

Flooring for the compost bin.

Compost Bin Base

Completed Base

Compost Bin Supplies

Most of the supplies needed for the Compost Bin

2 replies on “Compost Bin”

  1. Milanyela says:

    We started gneiradng last year and I am looking to start composting next.After installing a 4.2kW rooftop wind turbine system that’s worth looking at if anyone is interested. I posted that to look at. So, next we are going to start composting and using that in the garden. I like the bin.

  2. Davey Jones says:

    nice bin, depending on the situation it might be worth leaving the floor out of it,
    I’ve found they seem to rot out quickly and kind of an obstacle when shoveling in / out.
    could save a buck in cost as well.

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