I left town for a week and harvested this (plus four extremely large zucchini) when I returned. I think I am going to have to can salsa and pickles this weekend or else give some of it away.
Tag Archives: squash
Canned some stuff
I attempted to can some of the cucumbers and zucchini last weekend. I followed the instructions exactly, but am still leery. The top are still down, so that is a good sign. I guess we’ll see if I am still alive in a few weeks when I get to open one and give it a try. The blueberry jam was made from berries picked at a pick-your-own farm in Iowa City.
Just from one day
Winter planting plans
I scheduled some plantings for the fall, which can be seen on the calendar on the side of the (non-facebook) site. I will be planting broccoli, peas, romaine, spinach, and radishes. I was hoping to do a little more, but I waited too long to start anything else (cucumbers or more summer squash specifically).
Weekly update – June week 1
I think there is going to be a battle between the squash and the broccoli. The broccoli plants are mature and encroaching on the space around them, and the squash is starting to do what it does, and that is spread. The tomato plants are growing by what seems to be inches every day. The daily romaine and lettuce salads with peas and broccoli are quite rewarding and a reminder of just how easy it is. They also help keep me motivated to go out and keep the weeds at bay.
Weekly update – May week 3
Just trying to keep bugs and fungi away from the plants. The recent sunny days have been nice after the week or so of rainy, cold weather. The tomato and squash are still on a day to day basis, but all of the cold weather plants are taking off. Note to self, plant tomato and summer squash later next year.
Weekly update – May week 1
In the last week, I haven’t done much with the garden. It rained a few days so watering hasn’t been an issue, and everything seems to be growing well. The plan for this week is to get the cucumber, bean, and dill seeds planted, as well as to transplant the tomato, squash, and lettuce plants. After that, it looks like I will be close to being done with planting.
Starting Squash
Last night I started the zucchini and yellow squash in fiber pots. The containers seemed a little small, but I guess they won’t be in them too long before they get planted in the beds. Tonight I hope to get more radishes seeds planted and my peppers transplanted into larger containers – unless it rains.
Start squash and zucchini this week.
Start squash and zucchini this week.