Author Archives: Bob

More potatoes

After digging around a bit more, I was able to find these. For being “New” potatoes, these (at least two of them) are larger than expected. Again, I thought there should be more, but perhaps it is still a little early.



My potato plants are huge, but if I dig around under them, I can’t find any small potatoes. I thought I read that when flowers appear the “new” potatoes would be ready. Like I’ve said before, I guess I’ll wait and see.


First tomatoes of the season

From what I can remember, this is earlier than last year. I also remember that I hadn’t hardened the plants correctly then either so they probably were a bit stunned early on. So far so good with these though. I was a little concerned that there might not be enough space only setting them a foot a part but they look OK so far. I guess we’ll wait and see what they look like in August.

It just keeps growing

In the last few days, I have been randomly grabbing vegetables as I have been able. I rolled my ankle and was told to stay off it for a few days so that limited my garden time. I was able to hobble my way out tonight to get some romaine and green onions. Below is a few pictures of the potatoes, beans, and tomatoes. From what I can remember, I didn’t have any tomato blossoms this time last year. This year, there are almost 10 groupings of blossoms so I am quietly optimistic.

Too much broccoli

A few days ago I was complaining to a coworker that I may have too much broccoli maturing at the same time. He suggested that I make broccoli-cheese soup. “Holy crap” I thought, “What a great idea.” This suggestion wasn’t anything earth-shattering, but it did remind me that even though I was trying to stagger planting to not have everything ready to harvest all at once, having a bunch of one thing isn’t necessarily a bad thing. What I was almost dreading, I now see as an opportunity. I get to try to make something I have never made before. With the invention of Velveeta, broccoli-cheese soup is quite simple.

The recipe I found makes a tasty soup. Its nothing super spectacular, but I would recommend it. I found the recipe on, and the only alteration I made was to use the 2% cheese rather than the regular, and to use the fresh broccoli rather than frozen. I should have more broccoli to use shortly, so if you have a different recipe you recommend, feel free to post it.

Even more

It seems like I can’t use the broccoli and spinach fast enough, but I seem to be keeping up with the peas. Here is a little more that I harvested tonight.


The Plan page now has a yield column to show what was harvested for each plant type. I have had a difficult time finding out how much each square will produce with each type of vegetable. This should give me a good baseline for next year. Once we get into the season a little further, I will add a value column to help track what type of return I am getting on my investment.