Tag Archives: direct-sow

Started some for the fall

I might be a little late, but I started some broccoli for the fall. I think it was supposed to be started a few weeks ago, but with a little luck, I’ll get something from it. I also planted some cilantro seeds since my other plants disappeared or may not have even germinated. I’m not sure what happened, but I hadn’t been paying attention to them so I am not surprised.


I didn’t realize how quickly everything would take-off when I was planning the layout and what to plant. I knew some would shade others, but am now witnessing why precision is important when direct sowing seeds. There is nothing major wrong, but things can get crowded quickly if not spaced properly.




Weekly update – May week 1

In the last week, I haven’t done much with the garden. It rained a few days so watering hasn’t been an issue, and everything seems to be growing well. The plan for this week is to get the cucumber, bean, and dill seeds planted, as well as to transplant the tomato, squash, and lettuce  plants. After that, it looks like I will be close to being done with planting.

Finally Time to Plant

I was able to plant one broccoli seedling, and pea and spinach seeds yesterday. I have been trying to get the raised beds finished up the last few days but it has been slow going. I would say two of the five are 100%. The rest still need the drip line installed and the deer netting secured, which I want to finish before I plant in those so I don’t disturb the seedlings or sprouts. It is supposed to rain the next day or so, but perhaps Sunday I can finish.

Ready to Plant

These two are ready to go.