Author Archives: Bob

Weekly update – June week 1

I think there is going to be a battle between the squash and the broccoli. The broccoli plants are mature and encroaching on the space around them, and the squash is starting to do what it does, and that is spread. The tomato plants are growing by what seems to be inches every day. The daily romaine and lettuce salads with peas and broccoli are quite rewarding and a reminder of just how easy it is. They also help keep me motivated to go out and keep the weeds at bay.

You gonna eat that?

I harvested a small salad bar (OK, really small) today. The radishes are small but were being crowded out by others so I had to pull them. The broccoli and spinach are the first, the green onions and lettuce are just more of many like them before. This might be it for spinach, since it is taking a beating from leaf beetles, I am assuming.


I didn’t realize how quickly everything would take-off when I was planning the layout and what to plant. I knew some would shade others, but am now witnessing why precision is important when direct sowing seeds. There is nothing major wrong, but things can get crowded quickly if not spaced properly.





I think the best looking plants in the garden right now are the potatoes. I’ve never grown any type of potato, or even seen them growing (in my recollection) for that matter. I am really looking forward to seeing how they turn out. The next step will be mounding up more soil around the plants to keep the potatoes on the top covered, (so they don’t turn green) when they finally sprout.


Looked out the window to see a raccoon trying to work his way into the compost bin. I think he was mostly just curious since all that is in there anymore is grass clippings. I thought that the wire mesh and clasps were a bit much, but apparently they worked.

Is this an entomology or garden blog?

Here is yet another pest, this time in the peas. Along with this guy, the leaf beetles seem to be out in full force. Until I planted this garden, I didn’t seem to notice the damage the beetles do around my yard and even throughout the neighborhood. The trees in my front yard have substantial damage in many of the leaves (that I can see). I have been spraying a neemoil solution on the leaves of the vegetables that I won’t be eating (potato, bean, broccoli, etc) which seems to help until the next time it rains. Once it is washed away, it doesn’t take long for the little buggers to dig in again. I only found one of these caterpillars, so I am not too worried about these yet.

Jalapeno isn’t looking so hot

While it looks like it is struggling, it isn’t getting worse. I really hope its the cool rainy weather and that it will come back. Just to be sure, I started a backup which will be a bit behind the rest, but hopefully that will extend the harvest.