I canned some salsa, green beans, and more pickles this weekend. For the pickles, I used the same recipe as before. For the salsa, I used a recipe from the Ball website. I like salsa that is mostly vegetables. Basically, I won’t make any with a recipe that calls for sugar or anything extra other than spices. I found the bean recipe from a Costco magazine. It contains essentially the same thing as dill cucumber pickles with cayenne pepper added. I can’t wait to try these in a few weeks!
Tag Archives: bell pepper
What are these things?
Another picture of whatever is living in my pepper plants. I also noticed two extremely small, extremely fast little white bugs running around the soil in two of the containers. Thinking these might be the adolescent version of this? I’m really looking for sunny, more moderate weather so I can get these back outside, and to help out the other struggling warm weather plants that are already in the ground.
The first person who can tell me what these bugs are…
Starting Squash
Last night I started the zucchini and yellow squash in fiber pots. The containers seemed a little small, but I guess they won’t be in them too long before they get planted in the beds. Tonight I hope to get more radishes seeds planted and my peppers transplanted into larger containers – unless it rains.
Room to grow
This evening I transplanted my tomato seedlings into larger containers, and was hoping to do the same with my peppers but I ran out of supplies. Once they’ve had a few days to settle in, I am going to begin hardening them by taking them outdoors in the evening at first, and then progressing to putting them in a shady spot in the morning to sit all day. Once they make it through that, I will leave them in the sun and only take them in at night when the temp dips down. It sounds like a little bit of work, but I didn’t do this much with the broccoli which led to its demise. Oh, and I am doing the quick version of this now with the lettuce and romaine I will be planting this week as well.
A Little Mixed-up
A little more than a week ago, I started leaf lettuce, romaine, and bell peppers and thought I could remember in which containers I put each one. After the shuffle to get them under the grow light, I lost track of which group is the leaf lettuce and which one is the romaine (the pepper had already been separated). One is lighter in color than the other, and if I had to guess the romaine might be the darker one, but how to tell? It really only matters because the spacing is a little different for the types I have. Rookie mistake.
Tomato and Basil
Started tomato and basil plants this evening. Still waiting for the jalapenos to sprout, but the bell peppers I started last week germinated and were actually quite tall. I need to rearrange how I have them placed under the light, perhaps tomorrow.
Start bell peppers this week.
Start bell peppers indoors this week.
Another Round of Starts
I started romaine, leaf lettuce, and bell peppers today, just a few of each since I want them staggered so I don’t harvest all at once. I took this week off to get a few projects done around the house, so you should see a bunch more postings in the next few days. I will be building a compost bin and assembling the beds and pest barriers. My kind of fun!