Tag Archives: lettuce

More about next year

When I made the plan for this year, I tried to sneak a square of lettuce between the three pea plants. The thought on this was to spread the peas apart and give them more room on the trellis. Good in theory. In reality, the trellis got in the way of the lettuce plants and the peas enveloped them so they basically quit growing. Next year, the spots underneath the trellises are for plants that need them.

What’s next?

I have 11 or 12 empty squares where the lettuce, broccoli, and spinach was planted, any suggestions? I think I am going to re-plant broccoli in the same spots for the fall (probably the peas too once they are done), but that still leaves 4 or 5 empty spaces.

You gonna eat that?

I harvested a small salad bar (OK, really small) today. The radishes are small but were being crowded out by others so I had to pull them. The broccoli and spinach are the first, the green onions and lettuce are just more of many like them before. This might be it for spinach, since it is taking a beating from leaf beetles, I am assuming.

38 Degrees

…apparently is the low tonight. I covered the tomatoes and squash with buckets and then blankets or towels, and brought the peppers in since they weren’t planted in the ground yet. I think the rest (peas, broccoli, onions, lettuce) should be OK. Now we play the waiting game.

Weekly update – May week 1

In the last week, I haven’t done much with the garden. It rained a few days so watering hasn’t been an issue, and everything seems to be growing well. The plan for this week is to get the cucumber, bean, and dill seeds planted, as well as to transplant the tomato, squash, and lettuce  plants. After that, it looks like I will be close to being done with planting.

Weekly update

I don’t have any pictures to post at the end of this week since it has been raining all day, but I was able to get out this weekend and plant more lettuce and romaine seedlings, along with radish, carrot, and spinach seeds. It sounds like it should be subsiding overnight, so I will try to get some pictures posted tomorrow.

 Even thought the rain is keeping me (mostly) indoors, it looks like it is doing wonders for what’s in the ground. I think the broccoli is about twice as big as it was a week ago, and the first radish and lettuce plants are taking off.  I have a feeling I will see some onion plants soon even though the sets were planted in the last two days.  I am also looking forward to getting the tomato and pepper plants fully acclimated and ready to plant.